Monday, September 1, 2014

Will Pope Francis finally get it?

  The current situation in the Church is truly horrific. Countless indicators show a Church in it's death throes. The clergy is aging,  seminaries are closing, and  catholic practice in sexual morality has all but disappeared.  Cardinal Kasper exerts great influence on the Pope. His new approach to admit divorced and remarried people to Communion threatens to undermine the Church’s traditional beliefs on Marriage.

  With a world literally on fire by strife and immorality, Pope Francis needs to wake up and step up to the plate and bring back the old fortress mentality that the Church was known for for Centuries.

   I promise you that I will expand this website. It's just a baby so to speak. I will daily update it.


  1. It always looks bleakest before the break of day. I think many in Protestantism are being called to a genuine Catholicism that many cradle Catholics have abandoned, in favor of the cafeteria approach to their faith. If they only knew the richness and treasures of the saints of the Church of Christ and how they still call us to the One True Faith, they might be more on fire for its defense.

    1. You are absolutely correct Jewel. Prayer is what is ultimately needed.
